| Report of a Single Surgery Center for One Year. Mahmut AKYILDIZ, Harun ARBATLI ,Tamer AKSOY, Yilmaz ZORMAN , Esra ERTURK, Benay ERDEN, Cagatay L.ONAR. 45th Congress of the ESSR (June 9-12, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland) 9- Giant Floating Thrombus Localized in the Ascending Aorta Mahmut AKYILDIZ, Harun ARBATLI , Tamer AKSOY, Yilmaz ZORMAN , Esra ERTURK, Benay ERDEN, Cagatay L.ONAR.45th Congress of the ESSR (June 9-12, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland) 10- Enoxaparine induced retroperitoneal bleeding in a patient with a transplanted kidney Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Uğur Filizcan, Benay Erden, Alpay Örki, Süleyman Bülent Arman, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey. - 11-Intraarterial computed tomographic imaging of aortic aneurysms and peripheral vascular disease and comcomittant coronary angiography Mehmet Uğur Es, Uğur
Filizcan, Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Benay Erden, Mustafa Serdar Yılmazer, Mehmet Atasoy, Rahmi Çubuk, Bahadır Dağdeviren, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey. - 12-Aortic Perforation during percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty and its surgical treatment with concomittant aortic and mitral valve replacement for a 38 week preterm pregnant woman Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Mahmut Akyıldız, Benay Erden, Esra Ertürk, Tamer Aksoy, Tayfun Gürol, Bahadır Dağdeviren, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 13-Rapid improvement of myasthenic symptoms after open heart surgery with concomittant thymectomy; report of two cases Uğur Filizcan, Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Mehmet Uğur Es, Benay Erden, Mustafa Serdar Yılmazer, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 14-Subclinical Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with type II familial hyperlipidemia after open heart surgery. Mehmet Uğur Es, Lutfi Çağatay Onar, Uğur Filizcan, Benay Erden, Alper Aydın, Fehime Benli Aksungar, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 15-Endoluminal treatment of co-existing distal aortic arch and juxtarenal aortic aneurysms with two simultaneous extraanatomic bypass Mehmet Uğur Es, Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Uğur Filizcan, Benay Erden, Alper Aydın, Harun Arbatlı. 7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 16-A rare cause of acute pulmonary edema succesfully treated with mitral valvuloplasty and concurrent radiofrequency ablationLütfi Çağatay Onar, Uğur Filizcan, Benay Erden, Alper Aydın, Bahadır Dağdeviren, Harun Arbatlı7th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) 24th-27th March 2011 at Gloria Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 17-Obstructive Sleep Apnea as a Risc Factor for Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Benay Erden, Uğur Filizcan, Ender Levent, Nesrin Sarıman, Sümeyye Alparslan, Attila Saygı, Harun Arbatlı. 8th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) March 01-04, 2012 at Maxx Royal Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 18-Surgical Strategy for Supradiafragmatic Vascular Invasion of Renal Cell Carcinoma Benay Erden, Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Uğur Filizcan, Yeşim Macit, Bahadır Dağdeviren, Harun Arbatlı8th International Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (UCCVS) March 01-04, 2012 at Maxx Royal Convention Centre in Antalya/Turkey.
- 19-Minimally Invasive Surgery for Fractured Patent Foramen Ovale Occluder Device Lütfi
ÇağatayOnar,UğurFilizcan,BenayErden,AlperAydın,YeşimMacit,MustafaSerdar | |