Nuclear medicine;
Nuclear medicine is a branch of internal medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases with the help of radioactive elements, chemical molecules labeled with radioactive elements (radiopharmaceuticals) or biological materials. Functions and dysfunctions of organs and systems to be examined in nuclear medicine are examined, diseases are diagnosed and treatment is followed. Some diseases are treated with radioactive substances.
Technıcal Equıpment;
There is a dual-detector SPECT gamma camera, a PET/CT imaging device and a 6-bed radionuclide treatment unit.
Our department provides service with two specialist doctors, two technicians, four nurses and two secretaries.
Usage Areas Of Nuclear Medıcıne;
Heart Applıcatıons
Oncologıcal Applıcatıons
Orthopedıc Applıcatıons
Genıtourınary System Applıcatıons
Endocronogıc Dıseases